Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How To Start A Text Conversation With A Girl

Texting first and foremost also includes emailing as in on a dating site. Keep this in mind while reading this article. The texting/email game is a huge part of online dating for men. It's your most important tool, perfect it, learn it, use it, practice it.

If you are reading this, then obviously you want to stand out above the other guys texting girls. Good for you! It's easy to start a conversation with a girl. It's not so easy to send that first attention grabbing text to a girl though. I mean there are tons of guys out there that send the "Good Morning" text message. Most of us women can't even count how many of those we get. Nothing at all special about that and not many ways to reply to that.

Of course you could add beautiful or sexy to this "Good Morning" text message. Shiver. We get a lot of that too. It's nothing special. Sure it's nice you are thinking about us, but that text will not really stand out at all. If you are going to text us good morning at least be creative in the nickname you put at the end of it and forget the beautiful and sexy.

I dated a King Texter once. He would always pick up something that we had shared previously and play off of that. It made me feel connected. It told me he was paying attention. It escalated my attraction for him. One night we were talking about at topic that I knew nothing about and he knew a lot. He said that night to me, "Stick with me grasshopper, you will go far", in a joking manner. The next morning yes I got the "Good Morning" text, but it said "Good Morning Grasshopper". Made all the difference in the world.

When you start a text conversation with a girl, you want to make her feel connected. You want to play off of a previous experience. This gives her a warm fuzzy feeling. That is the great thing about texting. You have time to plot and plan what you are going to say. Think about the last time you were together or the last time you talked and remember something that made her laugh. Take that something and turn it into a clever text. The more you do this, the better you get at it. It's how you become a natural, by practice and planning.

Forget the how is your day, or I hope you have a good day crap when you start a text conversation with a girl. That's just plain boring and dull and does nothing to escalate attraction. Weave the memories no matter how few into your texts when you start a text conversation with a girl. This creates more memories which means you get even more material to start text conversations in the future.

Texting girls is your best dating tool ever. There is no better tool to escalate attraction in the girls you like. It pays to learn fun and flirty texting techniques to get the most out of this tool.

Click Here to get over 101 proven flirty text messages

Click Here to discover how to have 7 Dates or more this month with attractive women